
This is a general program to facilitate demonstrating the use of the tool.


Adam Sigler (03/29/2001+)

Laura Nowlin (04/09/2021+)

Laura Nowlin is the Musselshell Watershed Coalition Coordinator. She ranches on Boxelder Creek, a tributary to the Musselshell River, and is curious about water quality and its effects on livestock and crops.

Picture of Laura Nowlin.

Josh Hobbs (04/23/2021+)

Josh is the newly appointed Pheasants Forever Habitat Implementation Coordinator working with Winnett ACES and the Winnett NRCS Office. His family homesteaded in North Central Kansas and has farmed there ever since raising Wheat, Milo, Soybeans and beef. Josh's love for the outdoors and wildlife began at an early age prompting him to work for Kansas Wildlife and Parks for several years. After he graduated college at Oklahoma Panhandle State University with a degree in Biology and Chemistry, the College asked him to take a position as Visiting Instructor of Biology teaching Intro to Wildlife and Fisheries, Biology I and II. In conjunction with teaching, he became the Assistant Fire Chief for Goodwell Oklahoma as well as the Fire and Life Safety Coordinator for the College. Also, for several years managing a park and wildlife area. Many great experiences have led Josh to decide to advance his career in a state (Montana) he has always dreamt of relocating to. The move here is a dream come true to be in a state with so many different outdoor opportunities and recreational avenues. His picture is one of many from a safari to the Limpopo Province of South Africa.

Picture of Josh Hobbs.

Anne Marie Emery (Inactive)

Bridget Warrenfeltz (Inactive)

Gabrielle Jawer (Inactive)

Meghan Robinson (Inactive)

Sudha Petluri (Inactive)

Tracy Wendt (Inactive)

Trish Smith (Inactive)

Database Partners:

Logo for MSU Extension.

Logo for Madison Conservation District.

Logo for Montana Department of Environmental Quality.