Broadwater CD - Deep Creek Monitoring

The Broadwater Conservation District works to meet the needs of its citizens while striving to ensure that natural resources are protected and responsibly used for generations to come. The BCD partnered with landowners and agency personnel in 2011 to develop a Watershed Restoration Plan for Deep Creek, which addresses excessive sediment loading, high in-stream water temperatures, and low summer flow of the creek. Thanks in large part to the generous contribution of long-term volunteer Jim Beck, the BCD team annually collects stream flow and in-stream temperature on nine sites along Deep Creek to track the progress of their restoration efforts.

Picture of program volunteers.


Jim Beck (01/01/2001+)

has been actively involved with the Broadwater Conservation District for over 25 years. He has volunteered hundreds of hours to stream monitoring, the Townsend School Stream Team, and a myriad of other activities and tasks that support BCD. His most notable contribution is the establishment of flow monitoring sites along Deep Creek and the annual collection of flow and in-stream water temperature data to inform the success of restoration efforts in this watershed.

Picture of Jim Beck.

Adam Sigler (03/29/2001+)

Database Partners:

Logo for MSU Extension.

Logo for Madison Conservation District.

Logo for Montana Department of Environmental Quality.