Musselshell Salinity
Musselshell Salinity
The Musselshell Watershed Coalition engages volunteers in stream salinity and photo-point monitoring in order to identify and address water quality concerns in the Musselshell Watershed. During the irrigation season their dedicated core of volunteers use field meters to collect specific conductance readings at several sites along the Musselshell River. This data is entered in the MSUEWQ Data Hub where it is immediately available to the public and can be used to make irrigation decisions. The salinity data is also displayed on the Musselshell River Flow & Salinity website alongside discharge data.

Donna Pedrazzi is the District Administrator at Lower Musselshell Conservation District in Roundup. She is also a local rancher whose property is right on the river. She got into water quality monitoring through her activities with the Coalition and is a regular attendee at our MWC bi-monthly meetings.

Leon Hammond is the water commissioner for Zones 2A, 2B and 3. He's also the Water Project Manager for Deadman’s Basin Water Users Association. When he is not running water, he is the shooting sports instructor for the Wheatland County Rifleman’s 4-H Club in Harlowton. He is also an Army Veteran and an active member of the American Legion Post #15.

Laura Nowlin is the Musselshell Watershed Coalition Coordinator. She ranches on Boxelder Creek, a tributary to the Musselshell River, and is curious about water quality and its effects on livestock and crops.

Josh is the newly appointed Pheasants Forever Habitat Implementation Coordinator working with Winnett ACES and the Winnett NRCS Office. His family homesteaded in North Central Kansas and has farmed there ever since raising Wheat, Milo, Soybeans and beef. Josh's love for the outdoors and wildlife began at an early age prompting him to work for Kansas Wildlife and Parks for several years. After he graduated college at Oklahoma Panhandle State University with a degree in Biology and Chemistry, the College asked him to take a position as Visiting Instructor of Biology teaching Intro to Wildlife and Fisheries, Biology I and II. In conjunction with teaching, he became the Assistant Fire Chief for Goodwell Oklahoma as well as the Fire and Life Safety Coordinator for the College. Also, for several years managing a park and wildlife area. Many great experiences have led Josh to decide to advance his career in a state (Montana) he has always dreamt of relocating to. The move here is a dream come true to be in a state with so many different outdoor opportunities and recreational avenues. His picture is one of many from a safari to the Limpopo Province of South Africa.

Tammie Starkjohann lives near Mosby and is a new grandmother of which was born in May in Bozeman, with another on the way (due in October!). She is friends with Laura Nowlin, our Coalition Coordinator, and that is how she got involved with water quality monitoring.

Lynn Rettig lives in Musselshell and is the water commissioner for Delphia-Melstone Water Users Association. He got into water quality monitoring through his activities with the Coalition and is a regular attendee at our MWC bi-monthly meetings.

Pam Mickelson is a kindergarten through 4th grade teacher at Ryegate Public School. She is originally from Bozeman, but has also lived in Eastern Montana. She got involved with water quality monitoring after Matt Schmidt, MWC’s Big Sky Watershed Corps member, spent a day at Ryegate School doing guest lectures.

Mitch was born and raised in the foothills of Colorado. Recently graduating from CSU, he made the long overdue move up to Montana. In his free time, you will find Him backpacking, hiking, skiing, mountain biking, or doing some really shoddy cooking. Mitch chose to work on this project because quantifies water quality along the Musselshell in a very interesting way.

Brian is from New Hampshire and after graduating from UNH, he had his sights set on Montana. He has been very curious about the impacts of salinity on watersheds and has learned a lot while living and working in the Musselshell Watershed. In his free time he enjoys hiking, camping, and basketball.