Big Hole River Foundation

Conducting a long-term water quality monitoring program is the primary focus of the Big Hole River Foundation. Two years of research & design have gone into building a project that will allow BHRF to collect data to evaluate current conditions and share that data with state agencies. There is a need for proactive, science-based management of this extraordinary resource. The BHRF Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP) was officially approved by the Montana Department of Environmental Quality in the spring of 2020. Currently, no agency is collecting regular water quality data on the Big Hole. Monitoring will provide baseline conditions against which organizations and individuals can evaluate impacts and the improvement or deterioration of water quality.

Picture of program volunteers.


Jeff Raddon (05/13/2021+)

Jeff has fished the Big Hole and the surrounding rivers for more than 50 years. An Electrician by trade, Jeff has provided a helping hand around the Big Hole River Valley, lending his skills to people and properties alike. He enjoys giving back and helping to keep the Big Hole pristine so that he can bring his children and grandchildren here to enjoy it with him. Jeff volunteers much of his time to assist the Foundation with collecting water and macroinvertebrate samples from April to September.

Picture of Jeff Raddon.

Bridget Warrenfeltz (Inactive)

Meghan Robinson (Inactive)

Raeya Gordon (Inactive)

Database Partners:

Logo for MSU Extension.

Logo for Madison Conservation District.

Logo for Montana Department of Environmental Quality.